Talks and Presentations
A quick list of the talks and presentations I’ve given. Eventually I hope to have most of the slides from these talks available here.
- ShmooCon 7: Participated in closing panel on passwords
- NovaHackers: Nails in the Crypt
- Black Hat USA: Inside Apple’s MDM
- NovaHackers: The ShmooCon Ticket System
- ShmooCon 8: Inside Apple’s MDM (updated)
- Lockdown Con: Inside Apple’s MDM
- IntrepidCon: Solving the Verizon DBIR Puzzle
- DerbyCon: Slow Down, Cowpoke (solving puzzles and methodical work)
- NovaHackers: Apple UDID Breach
- [corporate seminar]: Apple UDID Breach and Protecting Data on iOS
- ShmooCon 9: Protecting sensitive information on iOS devices
- SOURCE Boston: Protecting sensitive information on iOS devices
- DerbyCon: Apple TV and Raspberry Pi
- SUMIT: Protecting sensitive information on iOS devices
- ShmooCon 11: Knock Knock: A Survey of iOS Authentication Methods (also presented in 2015 at OWASP DC and OWASP NoVA)
- ShmooCon 12: My Hash Is My Passport: Understanding Web and Mobile Authentication